Hamza al-Khatib

2 Stories

Syria Shuts Down Internet as Protests Intensify
 Syria's Internet Shuts Down 

Syria's Internet Shuts Down

Networks dark as protests against Assad intensify; 60 dead

(Newser) - As protesters took to the streets with renewed ferocity in Syria today, roughly two-thirds of the country’s Internet networks abruptly disappeared from global routing tables, Bloomberg reports. As of this morning, 40 of the country’s 59 networks were unreachable. One state-run site confirmed that the government had “...

Syria to Investigate Boy's Brutal Execution

Footage has galvanized protesters, provoked international outcry

(Newser) - A wave of outrage both at home and abroad has forced Syria into investigating the torture and execution of 13-year-old Hamza al-Khatib. Footage of his brutalized corpse was posted online last week, sending protesters to the streets with a renewed ferocity, and drawing rebukes from the likes of Hillary Clinton....

2 Stories