Amal al-Sadah

3 Stories

Interrogator on bin Laden Wives: 1 Interesting, 2 Boring

But Pakistani intelligence agent learned little

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden's three wives mostly stayed mum while being questioned, reveals the Pakistani intelligence agent who interrogated them. Despite speaking with them (or, at least, trying to) once or twice a week for months, the agent tells Reuters he didn't garner much that was useful. But it...

Bin Laden Wife: 'I Want to Be Martyred With You'

Amal al-Sadah was determined to stay with al-Qaeda leader

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden's youngest wife, who was injured when she rushed the Navy SEALs during the raid on his compound, proved her loyalty to the al-Qaeda leader early on in their marriage. A year after the 1999 union, he told his wives they could leave Afghanistan and return home,...

Bin Laden's Youngest Wife 'Easygoing and Confident'

Family described as conservative but not extremist

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden's youngest wife, who was injured last week in the raid that killed the al-Qaeda leader, was a "very good overall person," from a large, respected Yemeni family, a relative tells CNN . "The family had no extremist views, even though they came from a...

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