standing desk

2 Stories

No, You Don't Need a Standing Workstation

They're 'overrated,' says medical expert

(Newser) - Standing desks were all the rage for a while, but a recent article in the New York Times pooh-poohs them as "overrated." You may have heard that all the sitting you do at work all day is slowly killing you, but if you look at the actual research,...

'Standing Desks' Catch On for Health Benefits

... as studies warn about dangers of sitting for long stretches

(Newser) - A slew of stories warning about the health risks of sitting too much has led to an uptick in interest about desks that allow people to stand, writes Todd Wasserman at Mashable . Exhibit A: Traffic has quadrupled in recent weeks to . "Right now, such desks are tiny...

2 Stories
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