Qian Liu

2 Stories

Intruder Busted in Webcam Murder

Toronto attack witnessed by boyfriend in Beijing

(Newser) - A Toronto man has been arrested for the murder of a student who was attacked as her boyfriend in Beijing watched helplessly via webcam. Qian Liu, 23, was found dead in her apartment after the boyfriend alerted her friends. Detectives are still seeking a missing webcam, laptop, and computer, the...

Pal Witnesses Friend's Attack as They Chat Via Webcam

Beijing exchange student found dead in Toronto apartment

(Newser) - A frantic pal watched helplessly as his friend was attacked by a man as the two chums spoke in different countries 11,000 miles apart via webcam. Qian Liu, 23, was found dead in her Toronto apartment by an acquaintance alerted by the friend . He was speaking with the Beijing...

2 Stories