Stanley McChrystal Rolling Stone

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McChrystal Out; Petraeus Will Replace Him

Obama accepts resignation with 'regret'

(Newser) - President Obama has accepted Stanley McChrystal's resignation, replacing him with David Petraeus, Obama announced today in a brief statement outside the White House. Obama said he had "considerable regret" about the decision, reports the AP , and stressed that he wasn't sacking McChrystal "out of any sense of personal...

McChrystal Leaves White House Before Strategy Meeting

No word on his fate after 30-minute meeting with Obama

(Newser) - Stanley McChrystal left the White House after a 30-minute meeting with President Obama today—and didn’t return for the big strategy session that followed. There’s still no word on the general’s fate, or on how the meeting went— MSNBC says there’s “an almost complete lockdown...

Stewart Takes on McChrystal
 Stewart Takes on McChrystal 

Stewart Takes on McChrystal

'You’re with I’ll Never Print This magazine, right?'

(Newser) - When Stanley McChrystal ill-advisedly referred to National Security Adviser Jim Jones as a “clown who's stuck in 1985,” at least some good came of it: It inspired Jon Stewart ’s impression, last night, of a clown stuck in 1985. After tackling the McChrystal mess, Stewart again hit...

McChrystal's Real Crime: Trying Too Hard in Afghanistan

General wants to win the war at any cost

(Newser) - Yes, Gen. Stanley McChrystal should lose his job, but not because he bruised Barack Obama’s ego. “The press is turning a story about policy into a story about penises,” writes Peter Beinart on the Daily Beast . Beneath the “fairly mild” cracks McChrystal makes in that Rolling ...

Top Choices for McChrystal's Job

Mattis, Rodriguez, Allen head candidate pack

(Newser) - With Gen. Stanley McChrystal looking like a goner, attention has turned to the Afghanistan commander's possible replacements. Marine Gen. James Mattis and Marine Lt. Gen. John Allen appear to be frontrunners, though Thomas Ricks notes in Foreign Policy that Mattis, ironically, "has a reputation... for speaking a little too...

McChrystal to Resign Today
 McChrystal to Resign Today 
says pentagon source

McChrystal to Resign Today

Source has 'ongoing contacts' with the general

(Newser) - No one yet knows what Obama will do in the wake of Stanley McChrystal's Rolling Stone flap , but CNN thinks it knows what the general will do. An unnamed Pentagon source has told CNN that McChrystal will "likely" resign today after an Oval Office meeting with the president. Not...

If History Is a Guide, McChrystal Is Gone

Generals who question presidents often get the boot

(Newser) - If you're placing bets on whether Stanley McChrystal will be out of a job tomorrow, history suggests he'll be fired. NPR rounds up examples:
  • Abraham Lincoln: He finally had to relieve George McClellan of his duties because the general refused again and again orders to attack. McClellan also called Lincoln

Report: McChrystal Offers to Resign
Report: McChrystal Offers
to Resign

Report: McChrystal Offers to Resign

But his White House fate is far from settled

(Newser) - Gen. Stanley McChrystal has offered to resign in the wake of his unfortunate interview with Rolling Stone, reports Time. (The magazine's Joe Klein initially told CNN that McChrystal had actually submitted his resignation, but Time clarified with this Tweet .) Either way, it doesn't mean much at this point, notes...

Gibbs: Obama's 'Angry,' May Fire McChrystal

War effort 'bigger than any one man,' press secretary says

(Newser) - There’s a distinct possibility Barack Obama will show Stanley McChrystal the door, Robert Gibbs told reporters today. “He was angry,” Gibbs said, calling the gravity of McChrystal’s comments “profound.” He repeatedly refused to offer the general a vote of confidence, the Washington Post notes....

Booze, Volcano Delays Helped McChrystal Reporter

General, crew 'let loose' on bus trip

(Newser) - Rolling Stone reporter Michael Hastings got unprecedented access to Stanley McChrystal with a little help from our old buddy Eyjafjallajökull. Hastings was supposed to meet McChrystal for two days in Paris and two days in Afghanistan. But thanks to the volcano, Hastings and McChrystal were “stuck” in Paris...

McChrystal's a Bonehead
 McChrystal's a Bonehead 

McChrystal's a Bonehead

Pundits can't understand how the general let this happen

(Newser) - Stanley McChrystal’s Rolling Stone stunner has pundits baffled—no one can understand how he let this happen. Here’s what they’re saying:
  • Joe Klein of Time defends the “McChrystal I know” as “an extraordinary man” who, unfortunately, has no PR skills and is “incapable of

Karzai Doesn't Want McChrystal Fired
Karzai Doesn't Want McChrystal Fired

Karzai Doesn't Want McChrystal Fired

Afghan president says general 'is a person of great integrity'

(Newser) - Hamid Karzai believes Gen. Stanley McChrystal is the "best commander" of the war and hopes President Obama doesn't decide to replace him, a rep for the Afghan president said today. The leader of American forces in Aghanistan, under fire for his and his staff's indiscreet comments to a Rolling ...

McChrystal Recalled to DC After Article Slamming White House

General has some explaining to do after mocking, criticizing colleagues

(Newser) - The top US commander in Afghanistan has been summoned to Washington to explain his controversial comments about colleagues in a Rolling Stone interview, Obama administration officials said today. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, who has issued an apology for the article—in which either he or his aides slammed Joe Biden, Richard...

McChrystal Trashes White House in R olling Stone
 McChrystal Trashes 
 White House in Rolling Stone 
apologizes for poor judgment

McChrystal Trashes White House in Rolling Stone

Top general and aides slam Biden, Holbrooke, Jones, Eikenberry—and Obama

(Newser) - America's top commander in Afghanistan has apologized for a Rolling Stone profile that depicts him as a "lone wolf" at odds with the Obama administration and his own troops. In the profile—which hits newsstands Friday—Gen. Stanley McChrystal says he felt "betrayed" by US ambassador to Afghanistan...

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