toy industry

6 Stories

Finally, a Big Win for One of the 'Forgotten Five'

Fisher-Price's Corn Popper moves from perpetual finalist to inductee in Toy Hall of Fame

(Newser) - Fans have pushed the Fisher-Price Corn Popper into the National Toy Hall of Fame, elevating it from perpetual finalist to 2023 inductee, alongside baseball cards, Cabbage Patch Kids, and Nerf foam toys, the hall announced Friday. But Barbie's kind-of boyfriend, Ken? He was left out, despite having a huge...

Kids Aren't the Only Ones Spending Their Cash on Toys

Those 12 and older, aka 'kidults,' make up a quarter of toy sales these days

(Newser) - Inflation has dampened retail sales across the board. But as moms and dads finish up their curtailed shopping for the holiday season, there's a chance they're not just buying toys for their kids—they might also be putting some in the cart for themselves. The latest data from...

The Force Awakens Toy Sales: $700M

Franchise's products helped boost toy sales overall by 6.7% in 2015

(Newser) - Is it a trap? Maybe for fanatic consumers, but not for the toy industry, which had a stellar sales year in 2015, partly thanks to the Star Wars franchise. Star Wars toys—including hot sellers such as Kylo Ren lightsabers and BB-8 models—scooped up more than $700 million in...

Critics Bash Sexist 'Girly' Legos
 Critics Bash Sexist 'Girly' Legos 

Critics Bash Sexist 'Girly' Legos

Critics call new Legos gender bias, a charge Lego execs deny

(Newser) - A new line of Legos made especially for girls just doesn't stack up for critics who complain the Lego Friends' line is needlessly gender-biased, reports the LA Times . With bright colors, stylish clothes, and slim female figurines, Lego Friends is facing online petitions and strong words from the International...

Court Stunner: Bratz Dolls Beat Barbie

Mattel must pay millions to rival doll maker

(Newser) - A long-fought court battle between the makers of Bratz and Barbie has been decided—and Bratz are the surprise victors, the Los Angeles Times reports. The federal jury said Bratz maker MGA Entertainment had neither infringed on Mattel’s copyright nor stolen trade secrets, and that Mattel doesn’t own...

Parents Fall to Pieces Over Unassembled Toys
 Parents Fall 
 to Pieces Over 
 Unassembled Toys 
THanks for nothing, IKEA

Parents Fall to Pieces Over Unassembled Toys

Construction toy sales booming, but then you have to build them

(Newser) - Toys that required assembly were once an end in themselves, and their elaborate instructions made the process fun. These days, parents shopping for their kids don’t have much of a choice. “Toys do have more parts today,” a store owner tells the New York Times . Shipping flat...

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