Roman Abramovich

9 Stories

Nobody Seems to Know This Oligarch's Role in Peace Talks

Roman Abramovich seems to be ever-present, and he may have been poisoned for his trouble

(Newser) - One of the people spotted at the Russian-Ukraine peace talks on Tuesday was Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, which turns out to be interesting on a few fronts. For one thing, reports emerged Monday that Abramovich had been poisoned along with Ukrainian diplomats during peace talks in early March. All of...

Oligarch in Peace Talks May Have Been Poisoned

'Wall Street Journal' reports on Roman Abramovich, who is recovering

(Newser) - The Wall Street Journal is out with a startling, if unconfirmed, story about peace talks to end Russia's war in Ukraine. The newspaper reports that a Russian oligarch who is participating in the talks has been the victim of suspected poisoning by hard-liners in his country who want to...

Russian Billionaire Says He Will Sell Team, Give Proceeds to War Victims
No More 'Safe Haven'
for Russian Oligarch 

No More 'Safe Haven' for Russian Oligarch

Billionaire Abramovich is sanctioned by UK government, freezing sale of Chelsea soccer club

(Newser) - Update: Roman Abramovich says he's not tight with Vladimir Putin, but that didn't stop the United Kingdom's government from penalizing him over Russia's invasion of Ukraine. CNN reports the 55-year-old billionaire is now on the UK's sanctioned individuals list , meaning Abramovich's sale of the...

Exiled Russian Tycoon Berezovsky Dead at 67

Putin critic had gotten rich after collapse of Soviet Union

(Newser) - One of Russia's famed "oligarchs" who became unimaginably rich after the collapse of the Soviet Union has been found dead in his London home at age 67, reports the BBC . The cause of Boris Berezovsky's death remains unclear, but the news is drawing lots of attention because...

UK Billionaires' Ranks Halved in Downturn

Wealthiest lose collective $228B

(Newser) - The number of UK billionaires has been almost cut in half by economic woes, from 75 to 43, with the country’s wealthiest having lost a collective $228 billion, the Times of London reports. The hardest-hit was steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal, who remains Britain’s richest man despite having lost...

Russia Tycoons Seek $78B Kremlin Bailout

Looming foreign debt forces oligarchs to return power to state

(Newser) - A dozen years after bailing out the Soviet government, Russia’s oligarchs are seeking $78 billion in Kremlin handouts to weather the credit crunch, Bloomberg reports. Russian businesses have racked up some $110 billion in foreign debt due in 2009. The one-year loans, sought by more than 100 companies, would...

New Breed of Billionaire Rises in Third World

Moguls turn into philanthropists to fund education, health care

(Newser) - A new type of billionaire with a philanthropic bent for social causes is emerging from once-poor nations such as Turkey, India, and Mexico, the New York Times reports. The billionaires, who generally made their money through investment in surging local markets, draw comparison to American titans of old such as...

Chelsea Loses Fiery Coach
Chelsea Loses Fiery Coach

Chelsea Loses Fiery Coach

Eccentric, talented Maurinho leaves in spat with owner after two titles in three years

(Newser) - Chelsea's talented and bizarre coach, Jose Mourinho, has departed his team after a new flare-up of old grievances with owner Roman Abramovich. In his short and brilliant tenure, Mourinho delivered on a promise to end Chelsea's 50-year title drought, winning the Premier League in 2005 and 2006. A lack of...

Billionaires Flee Putin's Russia
Billionaires Flee Putin's Russia

Billionaires Flee Putin's Russia

For mainly Jewish oligarchs, wealth and power has given way to prison and exile

(Newser) - A cadre of 50 or so Russian businessmen struck it rich when the USSR's state-owned industries went up for grabs. But most of these billionaire oligarchs are now in prison or have fled, hounded and hectored by the KGB-style tactics of president Putin. The Guardian profiles 7 deposed plutocrats, who've...

9 Stories
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