Orthodox Jews

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Poorest Place in US: Jewish 'Burb in NY

Kiryas Joel at rock bottom—on paper

(Newser) - Kiryas, NY, doesn’t look like the poorest place in America. The village has no slums, no homeless people, and pretty much no crime. Yet a whopping 70% of Kiryas Joel's 21,000 residents are below the federal poverty line, and its median family income is just $17,929,...

For Orthodox Jew, Divorce Mess Goes Secular

Aharon Friedman refuses to give his wife a 'get'

(Newser) - The implosion of Aharon Friedman's marriage is getting a little more press than he likely expected. The 34-year-old tax counsel for the GOP on the House Ways and Means Committee is an Orthodox Jew—and, reportedly upset over a custody agreement, he refuses to give his 27-year-old wife a "...

Pilot Mistook Prayer Box for Bomb, Redirected Flight

17-year-old accidentally sets off panic

(Newser) - The “security concern” that caused a plane to make an emergency landing in Philadelphia turns out to have been a 17-year-old Jewish boy who was strapping prayer boxes to his head and arm. A stewardess mistook the Tefillin—ceremonial boxes containing scriptures that Orthodox Jews wear during morning prayers—...

'Hasidic Reggae Guy' Matisyahu Stretches Sound
'Hasidic Reggae Guy' Matisyahu Stretches Sound

'Hasidic Reggae Guy' Matisyahu Stretches Sound

Hasidic reggae singer expands his sound on new CD

(Newser) - Matisyahu Miller is tired of just being the “Hasidic reggae guy,” the singer tells AP. His newest CD, Light, shows a wider range of influences, including guitar rock, electronic pop, and folk. As a Hasidic Jew who sang reggae—complete with Jamaican accent—Matisyahu was a curiosity act...

Jews Eat Up Kosher 'Koogle' Search Engine

(Newser) - Orthodox Jews have long been discouraged from searching the Internet due to rabbinical restrictions on viewing immodest content. No longer, Reuters reports. Enter Koogle—the name is a mashup of Google and a traditional Jewish noodle dish—a Hebrew-language search engine that filters out non-kosher content and appears to meet...

Israel's Stance on Swine Flu Isn't Kosher
Israel's Stance on Swine Flu Isn't Kosher

Israel's Stance on Swine Flu Isn't Kosher

Renaming disease 'Mexico flu' shows lack of seriousness

(Newser) - Israel has confirmed its first case of swine flu—but don't call it that, says the head of the country's health department. The minister, a member of one of the ultra-Orthodox parties in Benjamin Netanyahu's government, insisted yesterday that the infection should be referred to as "Mexico flu,"...

Jerusalem Elects First Secular Mayor in 5 Years

Win ends years of ultra-Orthodox rule in Israel's capital

(Newser) - A secular, hardline millionaire has won a decisive victory for mayor of Jerusalem, ending 5 years of ultra-Orthodox rule, the Los Angeles Times reports. Nir Barkat has promised to transform the impoverished capital city by boosting tourism and tech ventures. He has also demanded more homes for Jews in East...

Sarah Palin 'Do Is a Hit With Orthodox Women

Wigs a hot item in Jewish Brooklyn nabe

(Newser) - The Alaska governor's flashy signature 'do is a surprise hit with Orthodox Jewish women in Brooklyn, where the "Sarah Palin Wig" has been selling briskly—at $695 a pop—to women who keep their hair covered for religious reasons. “It's a very classic look, yet fashion forward,”...

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