internet privacy

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How to &#39;Divorce&#39; Google

 How to 'Divorce' Google 

How to 'Divorce' Google

One year on, Tom Henderson reveals how it's going for him

(Newser) - When Google's controversial privacy policy went live, Tom Henderson "divorced" the company. A year later, he writes in ITworld , things are going just fine. "I'm in a much happier place. It can be done." Here's how he did it:
  • He uses the DuckDuckGo search

Instagram: We Can Sell Your Photos, Pay You Zilch

How do you opt out? You can't!

(Newser) - Get ready to feel a little more violated: Instagram has decided it can now sell your photos. Without telling you. And you have no say. And won't see a penny. In a new intellectual property policy revealed yesterday and set to take effect Jan. 16, Facebook-owned Instagram now retains...

Critics Say Kids' Websites Gather Data Illegally

McDonald's, Nickelodeon, and Cartoon Network among those named

(Newser) - Are McDonald's, Nickelodeon, Subway, and other major companies illegally collecting data from children online? A group of 20 public interest groups believes so, and it has filed complaints with the Federal Trade Commission to halt the behavior, reports the New York Times . The complaints assert that six popular websites,...

Google Whacked With Record $22.5M Privacy Fine

Firm used loophole to get past Safari privacy controls

(Newser) - Tracking Internet users who had a "do not track" privacy setting switched on has cost Google $22.5 million. The fine, the largest the Federal Trade Commission has ever levied against a company, came after investigators found that the search firm had bypassed privacy settings in Apple's Safari...

Obama: Use Tech to Abuse Rebels, We'll Sanction You

Executive order fingers entities backing Iran, Syria, but could be enlarged

(Newser) - If you use technology to help a repressive regime commit human rights abuses, you'll find yourself slapped with US sanctions. That's the message from President Obama, who this morning announced a new executive order specifically targeting those backing Iran and Syria via technology, though it could be expanded...

Some Employers, Schools Demand Facebook Logins

Maryland may ban practice

(Newser) - Some employers and colleges have found an ingenious way around Facebook's pesky privacy settings: Simply demand that applicants or students friend you, give you a tour of their account, or even divulge their usernames and passwords. MSNBC reports on a number of places instituting the troubling practices:
  • At Maryland'

See Who's Tracking You Online

Collusion plug-in enables writer to spot her Internet trackers

(Newser) - Facebook and Google are tracking you. Your cell phone is tracking you. Your cell phone images are being uploaded without your knowledge. And that's not all, Veronique Greenwood writes in Discover : Many sites you visit are amassing information about you and selling it to advertisers. Inspired by an...

Google&#39;s New Privacy Policy Is Live

 Google's New 
 Privacy Policy Is Live 

Google's New Privacy Policy Is Live

What you can do about it

(Newser) - Google's new privacy policy, which Internet activists are not happy about , takes effect today—despite the fact that the EU has warned Google the changes might violate European law. France's privacy watchdog asked Google to delay rolling out the new policy, but Google refused, the BBC reports. Data...

Google's Photo ID Feature Calms Privacy Fears

Security experts applaud opt-in requirement

(Newser) - Google has quietly launched a facial recognition service for Google+, but unlike Facebook's more intrusive photo ID feature , Google is earning praise from privacy experts for keeping Find My Face an opt-in feature, reports eWeek . Like Facebook's Tag Suggestions, which launched about a year ago, Find My Face...

Burger King Twitter Fight Is the 'Day Privacy Died'

World is a reality show, 'and you're the star': David Pell

(Newser) - Catch that story about a couple arguing in Burger King that blew up on Twitter? At Gizmodo , David Pell is not amused. Sure they were arguing in public, but did they really deserve to have their spat turned into a national story, he asks in a post headlined "The...

New Trend: Facebook Foreclosures?

It's already happening across the pond

(Newser) - In Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and England, mortgage lenders have been allowed to serve foreclosure notices via Facebook, in most cases when the defaulting borrowers couldn't be located elsewhere. In at least two such cases, the borrowers reacted right away, thus allowing the foreclosures to proceed. And Facebook seems...

Groupon Will Collect, Share More User Data, It Says in New Privacy Policy
  Groupon Is Watching You 

Groupon Is Watching You

Site will start collecting sharing more user data

(Newser) - Beware, bargain hunter: Groupon is looking over your shoulder. The daily deals site announced yesterday that it will collect and share more information about its users, in a move sure to attract the attention of federal regulators and privacy advocates. Also announced in the privacy policy changes: Groupon will market...

That 'Like' Button Is Tracking You

But Facebook and other companies claim it's an unintentional side effect

(Newser) - Those ubiquitous “Like” buttons are a convenient way to quickly share hilarious videos and buzzed-about articles with all your Facebook friends—but they’re also a convenient way for Facebook to track you, the Wall Street Journal reveals. Facebook’s “Like,” Twitter’s “Tweet," and...

Scrub Your Google Rep —for a Hefty Price

Those who can afford it can wipe out embarrassing Internet histories

(Newser) - Call it the "Google Gap." The true dividing line between the haves and have-nots in the Internet age is between those who can afford to "clean up" their online pasts, and the rest of us who are saddled with embarrassing pictures and inappropriate comments for all eternity....

EU Demands Better Privacy for Facebook Users

New rules will call for improvements on social networking sites

(Newser) - The EU is demanding enhanced privacy on Facebook and other social networking sites, calling for a “right to be forgotten." The justice commissioner will unveil rules before summer demanding, among other things, that strict privacy settings be the default for users. Sites like Facebook “can't think they're...

Microsoft Adds Do-Not-Track to Internet Explorer

New version is out Tuesday

(Newser) - Good news for privacy enthusiasts: The new version of Internet Explorer, out Tuesday, will include a do-not-track tool, making Microsoft’s Web browser the first major one to offer such a feature. Internet Explorer, the most widely used browser, answered the call for a do-not-track system within just three months...

Your Online Privacy Is Shot —but Don't Sweat It

Time's Joel Stein thinks the benefits of data mining outweigh the costs

(Newser) - It's a fact of modern life: If you go online, know that you're being tracked and that data mining companies are selling bits of information about you—websites you visit, the apps you use, etc.—to any willing buyer. With Congress ready to start hearings next week on ways...

Firefox to Offer Do-Not-Track Tool ... With One Catch

Companies will first have to agree not to track you

(Newser) - If you don’t like the idea of online companies tracking your every move , you may want to start using Firefox. Mozilla announced its Web browser will be the first to answer the FTC’s call for a do-not-track system , the Wall Street Journal reports. Just one problem: In order...

Facebook Pauses Phone, Address Sharing

It will be back, but only if you want it, says rep

(Newser) - You can breathe easier: Facebook won’t be sharing your phone numbers and addresses with third-party applications—at least, not just yet. After the company’s announcement of the new feature generated yet another privacy uproar, a director wrote on Facebook’s developer blog that it will put the feature...

Google Takes Spain's Privacy Laws to Court

Case will be heard Wednesday

(Newser) - Google has never been a big fan of privacy , and now it’s going so far as to challenge Spain’s privacy laws in court. A government organization claims that Spanish law requires Google to remove links from its search engine if those links go to information that could compromise...

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