sugar cane

8 Stories

Cuba, Once the Land of Sugar, Now Must Import It

Production has plummeted, and the decline may be permanent

(Newser) - "It's a disaster. Today the sugar industry in Cuba almost doesn't exist." Juan Triana of the Centre for Studies of the Cuban Economy didn't mince words when he spoke to the BBC about the status of the crop that was once at the center of...

It's the End of a Sugary Era in Hawaii

Last cane haul on Maui happened on Monday

(Newser) - The only remaining sugar mill in Hawaii is ending its final harvest. The last cane haul at Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company on Maui happened on Monday, with hundreds of workers and retirees on hand to watch the last delivery, Hawaii News Now reports. Parent company Alexander & Baldwin announced...

Your Sugar May Have Touched Cows' Pelvic Bones

Who knew all sugar isn't vegan?

(Newser) - If you're looking to avoid any link between animal products and your food, you might want to take a hard look at the sugar you consume. Cane sugar undergoes a refining process that makes it white, and the process often involves the use of bone char, which typically comes...

Yo-Ho-Ho! Rum Goes Top Shelf
 Rum Goes 
 Top Shelf 

Yo-Ho-Ho! Rum Goes Top Shelf

(Newser) - For those who associate "rum" with Captain Morgan, it might be time to put away the 2-liter bottle of generic cola. The perennial pirate fave is clawing its way up to the top shelf, writes John Mariani for Bloomberg, and giving whiskies, brandies, and Scotches a run for their...

Science Promises Cleaner Biofuels; Greens Wary
Science Promises Cleaner Biofuels; Greens Wary

Science Promises Cleaner Biofuels; Greens Wary

'Understanding the risks' of genetically engineered microbes is essential, some say

(Newser) - The future of alternative energy may lie with genetically engineered microbes that can efficiently convert sugar, or even sewage, into fuel, Yale Environment 360 reports. Small biotechs are using the tools of “synthetic biology” to create organisms that produce a range of carbon fuels without the extra energy expended...

As Everglades Deal Nears, Critics Cry Foul

(Newser) - As a revised deal by US Sugar to sell 180,000 Everglades acres to Florida nears completion, critics are stepping up their efforts to derail it, the Wall Street Journal reports. The deal, hailed by environmentalists, would allow the state to restore natural waterways, but opponents see it as a...

Shoppers No Longer Sweet on Corn Syrup

Consumers rebel against chemical sweeteners

(Newser) - High-fructose corn syrup still sweetens everything from soda to sauces, but its makers fear that sour days lie ahead. The Corn Refiners Association has launched a marketing campaign to win back consumers who claim the sweetener is less healthy than cane sugar and just as caloric. Corn syrup's detractors even...

Cachaça Is the New Tequila, Devotees Say

Pushing Brazil's national drink as the next big buzz in booze

(Newser) - The next big buzz in the world of potent beverages may well be cachaça, the Brazilian take on rum that has its sights set on unseating tequila as the trendy shot du jour in the US. The exported version of the national drink, distilled from sugar cane, ranges from...

8 Stories
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