haunted locations

10 Stories

Jersey's Haunted Highway Can Be a Spooky Trip

Cannibals, satanists, ghosts, and Pepsi instead of Coke

(Newser) - Need a bone-chilling story of a haunted highway to prepare you for Halloween? Just want to listen to someone slag off Los Angeles and gently roast New Jersey? Either way, Atlas Obscura has you covered with a very personal investigation into the Garden State's spooky Clinton Road. Legend has...

Ghost Hunters Run Into a Murder at Haunted Hospital

2 men arrested after missing woman's body found in Mississippi

(Newser) - Ghost hunters hoping to explore Mississippi's abandoned Kuhn Memorial State Hospital, considered one of the most haunted sites in the state, instead happened upon a real-life crime scene. Vicksburg Police say the group found the body of missing woman Sharon Wilson, 69, outside of the hospital on Sunday, alongside...

'Most Haunted Place on Earth' Is for Sale

 'Most Haunted 
 Place on Earth' 
 Is for Sale 
in case you missed it

'Most Haunted Place on Earth' Is for Sale

Italian island of Poveglia said to have hosted brutal lobotomies

(Newser) - The island of Poveglia is, according to the Independent , "arguably the most haunted place on Earth"—and now it can be yours. The Italian government is auctioning off a lease to the unpopulated 17-acre island near Venice where, following the 1922 opening of a mental hospital, a doctor...

4 Stars Who Lived in Haunted Houses

Are you really surprised Nicolas Cage is one of them?

(Newser) - It's officially Halloween season, at least according to the candy aisle in your local supermarket, so to get in the spirit, the Stir offers up this list of seven celebrities who've lived in haunted houses. Click through the gallery for a sampling, or check out the full list...

Japanese PM Definitely Not Afraid of Ghosts

Cabinet says mansion not haunted ... but he still hasn't moved in

(Newser) - Here's a press release you don't have to issue every day. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe still hasn't moved into his official residence in Tokyo, and his Cabinet today released a formal statement assuring the public that it wasn't because the place is haunted, the AFP...

11 Celeb Ghost Stories
 11 Celebrity 
 Ghost Stories 

11 Celebrity Ghost Stories

Famous people have spooky encounters, too

(Newser) - Betty Confidential was at New York Comic Con recently, where it caught one particularly spooky panel: “Celebrity Ghost Stories.” Read on, if you dare:
  • Kate Hudson: Apparently one of the most haunted celebs around, Hudson says she’s seen ghosts more times than she can number, including

Amityville Horror House Up for Sale

Owner seeks $1.15M for famous murder site

(Newser) - The Long Island house made famous by the Amityville Horror movie has hit the market for $1.15 million, horrors not included. A family of 6 was murdered in the home in 1975, and the movie was loosely based on the haunting the next family to move in claimed to...

'Haunted' Hotel Scares MLB Players

(Newser) - Ipods on the blink. Windows that won't close. A dead man walking his dog. The Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee offers enough supernatural extras to keep many traveling baseball players away, the AP reports. "Everything's scary," said Minnesota Twins outfielder Carlos Gomez. "Everything in the hotel, the paintings...

America's Most Haunted
 America's Most Haunted 

America's Most Haunted

Murders, ghostly encounters add mystery to historic sites

(Newser) - Your local graveyard may be creepy, but mazelike mansions and murderous history make up LifeScience’s list of the most haunted places in America:
  1. Winchester Mystery House: More than 100 rooms and staircases leading nowhere fill this San Jose, Calif., mansion, built by its paranoid owner to ward off ghosts.

Seriously Spooky Hotels
Seriously Spooky Hotels

Seriously Spooky Hotels

Brave travelers can bed down with ghosts at these creepy locals

(Newser) - These hotels are known for more than complimentary breakfast. Tripso.com gets in the Halloween spirit with its rundown of haunted accommodations:
  1. The Myrtles Plantation, St. Francisville, La.: An abused slave poisoned her master with oleander cake; a host of ghosties now appear at guests' bedsides.
  2. Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans:

10 Stories
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