House Judiciary Committee

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Judiciary Chairman: Facts Against Trump 'Overwhelming'

House panel on Wednesday began 2-day hearing on articles of impeachment

(Newser) - The final phase of the impeachment process before a House vote kicked off Wednesday evening, marking the first day of a two-day House Judiciary Committee hearing. In a hearing that Politico describes as a "four-hour partisan slugfest," Democrats and Republicans on the 41-member panel delivered blistering opening statements...

Democrats Settle on 2 Charges Against Trump

Abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, according to multiple reports

(Newser) - House Democrats are on course to impeach President Trump by Christmas, with a big announcement expected Tuesday morning. Sources tell the New York Times that the House Judiciary Committee worked through the night Monday to prepare articles of impeachment to be unveiled at a 9am news conference by Nancy Pelosi...

'Clear and Present Danger': Impeachment Testimony

Judiciary panel resumes hearings as a vote looms this week

(Newser) - The House Judiciary Committee resumed its impeachment proceedings Monday, with each party laying out familiar narratives. For example, Democratic staff investigator Daniel Goldman said President Trump's "persistent and continuing effort to coerce a foreign country to help him cheat to win an election is a clear and present...

Impeachment Witness Mentions Barron Trump, Sparks Ire

Pamela Karlan also told a GOP rep he had insulted her

(Newser) - Same pillared House hearing room. Different chairman with his own mission. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler opened impeachment hearings at 10am ET on Wednesday, officially launching the business of actually writing an indictment against President Trump. The AP reports the question is no longer whether to impeach Trump. It'...

Here Comes Next Phase of Impeachment Inquiry

House judiciary panel schedules hearing for next week

(Newser) - First came the closed-door depositions. Then came the public hearings. Now the next phase of the impeachment inquiry is scheduled to begin on Dec. 4, reports Politico . This one will be handled by the House Judiciary Committee, which will begin debating whether the information turned up so far warrants the...

Schiff: Investigation 'Isn't Going to End'

But the evidence is already 'overwhelming'

(Newser) - The House Intelligence Committee may turn over the impeachment process to the House Judiciary Committee soon—but Rep. Adam Schiff says the investigation of President Trump isn't over. The Intelligence committee chairman told CNN on Sunday that the panel is going to move forward with compiling its report, although...

What Happens Next in the Impeachment Inquiry
What Happens Next in
the Impeachment Inquiry

What Happens Next in the Impeachment Inquiry

Republicans are gearing up for battle

(Newser) - Now that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has declared the launch of a formal impeachment inquiry, President Trump faces the possibility of joining Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton as one of the few presidents to be impeached in American history—but whether the GOP-controlled Senate will vote to convict him is...

Pelosi: I'd Have Held Lewandowski in Contempt

She tells Democrats she'd have done it 'right then and there' during Tuesday hearing

(Newser) - House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerrold Nadler didn't hold Corey Lewandowski in contempt for his "completely unacceptable" behavior during a hearing Tuesday—but Nancy Pelosi would have been stricter. Sources tell Politico that the House speaker told a group of lawmakers Wednesday that she would have held President Trump'...

Lewandowski Says Little to House Panel

Angry and defiant exchanges dominate hearing

(Newser) - The White House told Corey Lewandowski, President Trump's onetime campaign manager, not to testify about any discussions with Trump or his advisers when he appeared before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday. The intention is "to protect executive branch confidentiality," said Lewandowski, who never worked in the...

House Panel Subpoenas More Big Names

House Judiciary Committee wants to hear from them Sept. 17

(Newser) - As expected , the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday subpoenaed former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and a former White House aide as part of its investigation into President Trump's conduct in office, the AP reports. The committee chairman, Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler of New York, said his committee...

Nadler's Next Move Is a Trip to Court

Judiciary Committee wants grand jury evidence, McGahn's testimony

(Newser) - Now that he's heard from Robert Mueller , Jerry Nadler plans to go to court to demand that evidence the special prosecutor accumulated using a grand jury be turned over. Nadler has tried to get the Russia investigation information before; now a judge will be asked to enforce the House...

So How&#39;d Mueller Do? Here Are 6 Takes
So How'd
Mueller Do?
Here Are 10 Takes

So How'd Mueller Do? Here Are 10 Takes

Reaction following his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee

(Newser) - It was a long day but Robert Mueller is done. He wrapped up his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee at 3:30pm ET, having kicked the day off at 8:30am before the House Judiciary Committee. So how'd he do? President Trump seemed pleased with the day's...

The Big Lines From Mueller's Hours of Testimony, Part I

He appeared before the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday

(Newser) - In his 10-minute public statement on the investigation into Russian interference in late May, Robert Mueller said, "The report is my testimony. I would not provide information beyond that which is already public in any appearance before Congress." That was largely the case, at least in his testimony...

Republicans Say They&#39;ll Ignore Mueller Hearings
Trump Slams
'Very Unfair'
Mueller Move

Trump Slams 'Very Unfair' Mueller Move

Democrats are hoping for a 'turning point'

(Newser) - President Trump cried foul Tuesday night after the House Judiciary Committee said it would allow attorney Aaron Zebley, one of Robert Mueller's top deputies, to provide counsel to Mueller during Wednesday's long-anticipated testimony. "What a disgrace to our system. Never heard of this before," Trump tweeted,...

House Panel OKs Subpoenas for Big Names in Trump Probe

Including Jared Kushner, Jeff Sessions

(Newser) - The House Judiciary Committee voted Thursday to authorize subpoenas for 12 people mentioned in special counsel Robert Mueller's report, including President Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the AP reports. The panel also voted to authorize subpoenas for documents and testimony related to Trump'...

Robert Mueller Agrees to Testify Before House

Public hearings will take place July 17

(Newser) - Robert Mueller has been reluctant to testify before the House—but he has decided not to defy subpoenas. The former special counsel has agreed to testify before the House Judiciary Committee and the House Intelligence Committees on July 17 after being subpoenaed by both committees, CNN reports. The public hearings...

Panel Chair Kept Calling Hope Hicks &#39;Ms. Lewandowski&#39;
Panel Chair Kept Calling
Hope Hicks 'Ms. Lewandowski'

Panel Chair Kept Calling Hope Hicks 'Ms. Lewandowski'

She refused to answer 155 questions

(Newser) - Former President Trump aide Hope Hicks was blocked by White House lawyers from answering most questions at a House Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday—but one she would probably have been happy to answer is "Can you confirm your name?" According to a transcript of the closed-door hearing released Thursday,...

Democrats Call Hope Hicks' Testimony 'Ridiculous'

Some cite the high level of objections to questions

(Newser) - So how much is Hope Hicks saying before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday? Not enough, at least according to Democratic Rep. David Cicilline, who told reporters Hicks has answered "some" questions but is largely claiming immunity regarding her time in the White House. NBC News quotes him as...

Hope Hicks to Talk Today, but How Much Will She Say?

Trump instructs former communications director not to answer certain questions

(Newser) - Wednesday marks the first time House lawmakers will get to question someone close to President Trump since the Mueller report dropped, but it's unclear just how much the House Judiciary Committee will be able to glean from Hope Hicks. She'll sit for a private interview with the committee,...

2 Big Names Heading to Capitol to Talk Reparations

Danny Glover, Ta-Nehisi Coates will testify at House Judiciary subcommittee hearing

(Newser) - The topic of reparations for slavery is headed to Capitol Hill for its first hearing in more than a decade, with writer Ta-Nehisi Coates and actor Danny Glover set to testify before a House panel next Wednesday. The hearing's stated purpose: "to examine, through open and constructive discourse,...

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