Carol Ann Gotbaum

2 Stories

Airport Death Accidental, Autopsy Says

NY woman who died in custody had drugs, alcohol in her system

(Newser) - The New York woman who died in police custody at the Phoenix airport last month accidentally hanged herself, a coroner's report says. The autopsy, released today, says Carol Anne Gotbaum had consumed prescription drugs and alcohol and was acutely intoxicated, the Arizona Republic reports. Police arrested and handcuffed Gotbaum, 45,...

Sudden Death Ends a Struggle With Depression

The Times details Carol Gotbaum's spiral into alcoholism

(Newser) - Carol Ann Gotbaum fought with depression and alcoholism for years before her sudden death in a Phoenix airport lockup earlier this week, her stepmother-in-law, Betsy Gotbaum, told the New York Times. The Times reconstructs the struggle of the gregarious mother of three, from a breakdown a year earlier, which some...

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